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Schools are busy places with timetable constraints and an imperative to make every dollar count toward excellent learning outcomes for students.

Consider one or a combination of these activities for your school in 2019 or visit the Parentshop website to select courses on emotional regulation and communication.

One Day Course: Implementing Science and Technology K-6

This course has been developed to support teachers implementing the new NSW Science and Technology K-6 Syllabus. We'll begin the day with playful hands-on ways to model important scientific concepts before mapping the curriculum progression from K-10 as a way to establish the best experiences for students in a K-6 setting. Participants will distinguish between practical work designed to demonstrate scientific phenomena and genuine experimental inquiry before analysing and devising scientific investigations that are developmentally appropriate across Stages. We'll consider different sequences for developing Working Scientifically skills and how to promote students' ability to generation of scientifically investigable questions and use what we know about everyday language acquisition to support the development of technical language through dialogue. The day will finish with a jigsaw activity that allows teachers to sample a range of resources and determine how and when they might best be used to meet syllabus outcomes.
Click here to enquire about this course

3x2 Sessions: Implementing Science and Technology K-6

The Implementing Science and Technology K-6 course described above can be delivered as three two hour sessions scheduled to suit the availability of teaching staff. Course components are the same but school leaders can schedule the workshops over separate days.
Click here to enquire about these sessions

Two Day Course: Science and Technology K-6 and Digital Technologies

This course is the Implementing Science and Technology K-6 course followed by a full day workshop learning to build and code with Microduino resources. Teachers will be encouraged to sample resources developed for different age groups and map a continuum of coding skills starting from the simple arrangement of blocks, progressing to the clicking and dragging of text commands and then finally on to writing script. The course will unpack what we mean by Computational Thinking and provide examples of how it can be built into the culture of our classrooms. Participants will be briefly introduced to tools for working with Virtual Reality including some low cost options. Day two of this course is only available as a full day course so that teachers can work with a full suite of materials. 

Click here to enquire about this course

Individual and Small Group: Programming Support for K-8 Science

Bronwyn is available to work individually in schools with teachers who have completed the Implementing Science and Technology K-6 course, devising and modifying teaching programmes so that they are inspiring and rigorous for students. Having spent eight years as a Primary Teacher before leading Science and TAS Faculties in 7-12 schools, Bronwyn  has extensive knowledge of how to adapt teaching strategies and resources for learning in Science and Technology to meet K-6 syllabus outcomes. Bronwyn can also share the guidelines she applies to developing Science tasks for gifted and talented students using the tasks she writes for the Da Vinci Decathlon competition as models.

Click here to enquire about programming support

Co-Teaching: Digital Technologies
Co-Teaching: Working Scientifically

Sometimes the best way to learn is shoulder to shoulder in the classroom teaching students together, in fact this is Bronwyn's favourite way to work in schools. After writing learning sequences with Year Group teachers, Bronwyn joins them in the classroom to model and support as they implement the new curriculum for the first time. Teachers can relax and learn alongside their students as they put new resources to the test. Having additional support in the classroom also allows teachers a little time to observe and reflect on the language patterns occurring in the classroom and the teacher behaviours that harness the power of dialogue. Some of the advantages of co-teaching sessions are that students immediately benefit from the professional learning and there are no costs incurred for employing casual teachers to take over the class.

Click here to enquire about co-teaching at your school

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