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K-8 STEM in the Classroom
Chemistry Students

Develop the reputation of your school as a centre for excellent Science and Technology  Education. Support classroom teachers to choose the best resources and deliver the most innovative, rigorous curriculum.

Having taught Science and Technology in both Primary and Secondary schools, Bronwyn has first hand knowledge of the Science curriculum for students from Kindergarten to Year 12. Working in schools, she builds the capacity of K-6 teachers to promote curiosity in their classrooms and embed the Working Scientifically and Working Technologically skills into rich lesson sequences.

Behaviour Management Parentshop Courses
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Psychologists Michael Hawton, the Founder of Parentshop, and Brad Williams from Behaviour Tonics have developed simple but powerful protocols for schools that go beyond systems of punishment and reward. Lasting behaviour change is achieved through developing students' ability to recognise and regulate their emotions.

Bronwyn has become a Licensed Presenter for Michael and the Parentshop team to deliver engaging and action-based professional development for teachers and carers across Australia and South East Asia. Parentshop courses use role play, video instruction and world-class training strategies that draw on the latest research in behavioural sciences.

Urban Learning Experiences

Four years ago Bronwyn took on the challenge of creating a three week residential programme that would delight, inspire and challenge a whole Year 9 cohort and return them to school excited about the future that lay ahead. 
The Rites of Passage Sydney programme is designed around psychologist Michael Carr‑Gregg’s identified needs for 14 and 15 year olds and includes customised learning experiences across Sydney. 

In 2019 Bronwyn will continue to run the Rites of Passage programme for Oxley College and be available to help other schools plan and implement their own Urban Learning Experience in Sydney.

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